Blading when you get older
I am not going to lie, this shit gets harder, both physically and mentally, as you get older.
I remember when I first started rolling I could take a slam like it was nothing and just keep on going. No morning after pain, no muscle pulls, and no stretching or Advil needed.
Fast forward almost a decade later, and it isn’t like that anymore. I am a bag of shit. My knees are bad, my legs are all scarred up and have nerve damage, and I am questioning my ability to reproduce from the numerous times I racked myself (which is good in some situations).
As I continue to grow older and rollerblade I have learned one valuable lesson, I can’t treat my body like it is still fifteen. […]
The physical pain and the mental second guessing isn’t as much as a problem as the responsibilities that come with being older and trying to rollerblade. […]
Sure it gets harder to blade as you get older, but it doesn’t mean you quit, you just learn to adapt. […]