Teď jsem koukal do kalendáře (krom toho, odkdy tam…(import z brusle.info/blog)
Teď jsem koukal do kalendáře (krom toho, odkdy tam jsou některé akce u nás a kdy se probrali na ladronce :)) a našel jsem letošní pim (a galerie z loňska):
In-line Party 6.5 km
This In-line Party starts in front of the Marathon Sport Expo and goes through a beautiful Stromovka park. It is a non-competitive race designed for skaters of all categories to express their passion for this wonderful sport.
Entry fee
- 10 € (children up to 15 do not pay)
Entry fee includes
- Start bag
- Start number
- Official T-shirt
- Marathon Magazine
- Commemorative medal
- Refreshments at the finish
- Saturday Pasta Party + free beer
- Start number is the public transport ticket
- Discount to selected historical sites and museums
No. Takže za to, že se projedu stromovkou mohu zaplatit 10ojro. A ty uživatelské benefity to moc nezachrání…
A to se jede po stejné trase jako loni (dlažební kostky included)
PS: No one without a helmet will be permitted to take a part in the In-line race! Bicycles, scooters and skateboards are prohibited.